Algar - Gente servindo Gente

2012 Annual Sustainability Report

Main Indicators

Financial Indicators (R$ million) 2010 2011 2012 2012/2011
Gross Revenue 3,253 3,628 4,385 20.9%
Net Revenue 2,635 3,051 3,720 21.9%
EBITDA 517 512 534 4.3%
EBITDA margin 19.6% 16.8% 14.4% -2.4 p.p.
Net income 185 200 171 -14.5%
Net margin 7.0% 6.6% 4.6% -2.0 p.p.
Investments 489 288  440 52.8%
Total Debt 1,325 1,726 2,083 20.7%
Net debt 681 881 928 5.3%
Net Debt / EBITDA (times) 1,3 1,7 1,7 -

Corporate indicators 2010 2011 2012 2012/2011
Associates 20,002 21,249 20,714 -2.5%
Investment - R$ million 12.6 15.1 11.0 -27.2%
Training hours 512,487 548,353 473,457 -13.7%
Amount invested by associate 629.94 710.62 535.67 -24.67
Greenhouse gases emission (ton.)        
Direct emissions 32,374 27,491 48,092 74.9%
Indirect emissions 4,989 2,948 7,380 150.3%

GRI: 2.8

For easier access to the sustainability indicators, see the GRI indicator index.