Social Performance

as a basis
for the future

Our educational projects focus on elementary and secondary education, always in partnership with
public schools and Departments of Education.

We believe that education is the basis for a country’s development. This means that we will only make Brazil better if we have better education. This challenge must be tackled jointly by the government and the private sector. As a result, our educational projects, conducted by Instituto Algar, focus on elementary and secondary education, always in partnership with public schools and Departments of Education. This is the case of the Talentos do Futuro (Future Talents) program, an initiative created in 2014 to train young high school students for the labor market. We also enhanced the Algar Lê [Algar Reads] program, which celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2014, by introducing the use of other media, other than newspapers, to create young readers. Overall, our educational projects benefit 70 schools, 200 educators and 3,400 students.

In 2014, we invested R$10 million in social and cultural projects, R$2.8 million of which from our own funds and R$7.3 million through tax incentives. Recognized as the third Group investing the most in culture in Minas Gerais State, Algar seeks to offer the community top quality arts and cultural projects. A total of over 78,527 thousand people have been impacted by the 47 cultural projects supported by Algar.

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Mr. Alexandrino Garcia founded the Algar Group to “serve the community”. In this regard, we created the volunteer program. Reflecting our culture of serving, associates are encouraged to participate in the volunteering initiatives undertaken by Instituto Algar.

In numbers:

24 cities participating
in the volunteering program

7 Brazilian states
29 local communities

800 volunteers registered with Algar

29 social leaders are trained in:

12 hour
semi-annual training program
215 hour
of individual coaching

Programa Talentos de Futuro

Programa Talentos de Futuro [Promising Talents Program] helps educate young people, especially in the skills and knowledge needed to enter the labor market and have a profession in the future.

Programa Algar Transforma

Programa Algar Transforma [Algar Changes Program] develops children and adolescents through educational and cultural activities, with after-school workshops.

Programa Algar Lê

The main goal is to improve students’ language, reading, writing and literacy skills, in addition to facilitating access to information through resources and media studies.

Programa Algar Cultural [Algar Cultural Program] – Tax Incentives

Number of sponsored projects: 47
Total investment/Sponsorship: R$ 7,300,000.00

The Algar Group has a great potential for tax incentives from local, state and federal taxes. These funds contribute to cultural, sports and child and teenager protection projects.