The Eternit way of building
Commercial Culture
Excellence: over the past few years, Eternit has invested in technology to offer its consumers innovative and durable products with characteristics that provide convenience, comfort and an appealing design. As a result, the Company is a market leader in the roofing segment. Excellence is also part of the chrysotile mining operations of SAMA, which is recognized as the best mining company to work for in Brazil by the magazine Você S/A.
Agility: with industrial units located in all of Brazil’s regions and most operating as distribution centers, Eternit has a very competitive logistics system. Orders are delivered within 72 hours after the invoice is issued.
Focus on customer: serving demand with products optimized to the needs of consumers or the region is the Company's primary concern. Eternit invests in manufacturing a wide range of construction materials, from the more economical to the most sophisticated, while always ensuring the quality and durability of its products.
Bathroom chinaware application using the models Darus and Labasa
With a broad network of resellers and partners in Brazil, it takes a lot of dedication to maintain an up-to-date and well-trained sales team to ensure we offer our customers the best experience in Eternit products.
Eternit believes that one part of quality consists of providing complete product information to customers – in some cases even in the form of consulting services. That is why it constantly invests in training, especially for its resellers. In 2015, the Company administered training to more than 5,000 professionals in all regions of Brazil.
Eternit has over 20 technical consultants who are responsible for product specification, customer service, project consulting and employee training and who administer courses to workers. The on-site and personalized actions are organized primarily for engineers, architects and contractors, but also extend to resellers, building loyalty among existing consumers and winning over new customers.
Campaigns and sponsorships in 2015
In 2015, Eternit intensified its investments in sports sponsorship to strengthen its relationship with society and to promote its brand recognition and product portfolio. As an official sponsor of the Brazil Cup, the Company also enjoys visibility in the soccer championships of the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul. The returns have surpassed expectations, strengthened consumers’ relationship with the brand and generated considerable exposure in conventional media vehicles. During the ten months of sponsorship, more than 150 million people were reached.
Customer relations
Eternit's relationship with customers goes far beyond the moment of purchase and draws on its knowledge of the construction industry to add value to the brand. In 2015, the Company offered 300 training programs to resellers at no charge and 80 vocational training courses. Another form of communication used extensively in 2015 was marketing newsletters sent by e-mail with useful tips on products, installation and interior design.
To Eternit, innovation has always been intrinsically connected to its goal of creating products and solutions that make customers’ lives easier and draw on technology to incorporate greater quality and value into its products. It is through innovation that the Company created construction solutions products such as the Eterplac tool and the Painel Wall, as well as metal frameworks that replace wood in roofing structures.
Eternit understands that innovation is a key pillar of the diversification of its business, which is the strategy adopted by the Group for its sustainable growth, with a focus on segments that encompass a portion of the construction value chain (raw materials, products and solutions). Today, Eternit has a product development and new business department as well as a unit for the research, development and production of construction material inputs in Manaus, Amazonas.
Calculating construction: Etercalc, Eternit's exclusive tool for calculating fiber-cement roofing projects, is the only software in the market that, based on little information, can determine which type of fiber-cement panel is best suited to your project and quantify the material required for the project.
Administrative area at the Eternit Simões Filho plant in Bahia