GoLeader - Leader Succession Plan
Permanent dedication to disseminating the Company’s strategic goals and values is required to support the organization’s continuous development. Focused on ensuring its plan for the structured growth and diversification of the business, two years ago, the Company created the leadership development program called GoLeader. The Leadership Development Program works primarily to develop and improve the technical and behavioral competencies required for attaining the company’s goals, by focusing on training current leaders and preparing potential employees for future leadership positions in the Eternit Group, as identified by PLACAR (career plan).
For this, the Human Resources department creates a personalized competency profile for each leader to help them overcome difficulties and to encourage them to divide the strategic goals among their team members. As a result, Eternit has enhanced the strategic orientation of its employees, i.e., each one knows exactly what they must contribute to the Company's results. The program for three-sided meetings (leaders, team and human resources, with the latter acting merely as facilitator) was the main drivers of this improvement. In 2015, there were six leadership training modules addressing topics such as Systemic Vision and Development High Performance Teams. All leaders, foremen, coordinators, supervisors, heads and managers at the units of Eternit, Precon Goiás, Tégula and CSC participate in GoLeader.
Learn about the programs offered by the Group to support the development of its employees and their family members.

Internship Program
Encourages the development of the skills and competencies required to work for the intern to assume a formal position at the Company. Note that all of the Group’s companies offer the possibility for interns to fill the openings available.

Apprentice Program
This program works to foster social and professional inclusion by offering technical and vocational training to students ranging from 14 to 24 years of age, in accordance with governing legislation. Furthermore, the mining company SAMA, in partnership with Industrial Social Services (SESI), National Industrial Training Service (SENAI), has a unit located on its premises to offer training courses to employees, as well as to partners and members of the community of Minaçu and surrounding region.

Eternit Group’s National Technical Convention: During three business days, the teams were able to sign commitments for the capture of more synergies among the products and solutions offered by all companies in the Group, with the outlining of actions to emphasize the differentials in the service provided to partners and clients.